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CA Woman Collects $21,000 From EDD In The Name Of Sen. Dianne Feinstein

A Northern California woman has collected tens of thousands in EDD unemployment funds, and she's done it all by posing as Congressional Senator Dianne Feinstein. 43-year-old Andrea M. Gervais was arrested for mail fraud, as part of an investigation into widespread fraud in the state’s distribution of unemployment benefits. Gervais was apparently fired by EDD in 2018 and clearly, since her release, has been in possession of social security numbers belonging to California residents throughout the state.

The unemployment agency was approving claims in mass during the beginning of Covid. Rushed & sometimes sloppy claim approvals coupled with expanded benefits approved by Congress and carrying few safeguards, has made it extremely easier for criminals to get over on the system. Last week, Bank of America, who distributes the EDD funds to unemployment recipients told state lawmakers they've discovered nearly 345,000 fraudulent claims. Claims all totaling a net worth of around $2 billion. So far EDD has not stated how many of fake claims have been identified. Watch out for your paper!

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