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Ja Rule Blasts Popeyes Chicken Sandwich. He Gets Blasted For Fyre Festival

Ja Rule has a strong take about the frenzy over the Popeyes chicken sandwich. With fights breaking out and someone stabbed to death over one, Ja felt compelled to speak out.

Rule tweeted, "Y’all really out here acting like n**** over a f**** chicken sandwich… smh… now I’m never gonna eat one on principles alone!!! F**** idiots y’all are what’s wrong with our people… I’m so disappointed in my ppl we better than this…”

He continued, "ANYBODY that thinks we as a ppl are not EMBARRASSING ourselves over this wack ass chicken sandwich YOU ARE THE PROBLEM."

Twitter did what Twitter does. People came after Ja Rule for his role in the Frye Festival. One of the standout tweets said, "I cannot believe Ja Rule had the nerve to open his old ass mouth to speak on how ppl r acting like cave men over that sandwich but had thousands stranded for an imaginary festival.. I cannot."

If you forgot about the FYRE festical, check out the video!

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