Mr. & Mrs. Ouimet of Antioch, found a 4-foot rattlesnake in their backyard, just feet away from their sliding glass door. "My wife got some pictures of its fangs. The snake meant business," said Mr. Ouimet. Experts said seeing snakes in yards is becoming increasingly common. California is still facing one of the worst droughts ever, and snake expert, Luis Antonio Fraser of Snake Removal said this year, as the dry and hot weather continues, the snake calls are coming in at high numbers. It is now birthing season for rattlesnakes. The Ouimets are no stranger to snakes in their yard, they usually take things into their own hands, killing the snakes with a shovel. Luis of Snake Removal said they remove the snakes and relocate them far away from where they were found. Hit him up if you see a snake in your yard! Story below. found.
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