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Stephen Curry Speaks Out About Women's Equality!

Courtesy: Getty Images

Steph Curry wrote his first article on The Player's Tribune this week, which is a media platform of articles written by the athletes themselves and was launched by former Yankee, Derek Jeter.

In Curry's first post, he got personal, quick. The article centered all around #WomensEqualityDay, and Curry, who has two daughters, Riley and Ryan, centered the article around he would like the world his daughters are growing up in, to view and treat women with respect and as equals...especially with equal pay! 

He writes, 

"Riley and Ryan are growing up so fast. And with Ayesha and I suddenly seeing things through the eyes of these daughters of ours, who we brought into this world, and now are raising to live in this world … you know, I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the idea of women’s equality has become a little more personal for me, lately, and a little more real.

I want our girls to grow up knowing that there are no boundaries that can be placed on their futures, period. I want them to grow up in a world where their gender does not feel like a rulebook for what they should think, or be, or do. And I want them to grow up believing that they can dream big, and strive for careers where they’ll be treated fairly.

And of course: paid equally.

And I think it’s important that we all come together to figure out how we can make that possible, as soon as possible. Not just as “fathers of daughters,” or for those sorts of reasons. And not just on Women’s Equality Day. Every day — that’s when we need to be working to close the pay gap in this country. Because every day is when the pay gap is affecting women. And every day is when the pay gap is sending the wrong message to women about who they are, and how they’re valued, and what they can or cannot become."

To read the full article, click here. It's definitely worth the read! 

Courtesy: Getty Images

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