Nurse takes to TikTok and says "Did you know COVID-19 has a sound? Listen"

"Nurse_Sushi" is the handle for this nurse who took to her TikTok account to share her everyday experience at the hospital she works at in the ICU. She begins with "Did you know COVID has a sound". She went on to explain that the machine sounds are what COVID sounds like as they go off alerting the nursing staff that a patient has reached a critical level in one area or another, mostly oxygen.

She says that all 30 of their ICU beds are COVID patients who were not vaccinated and a few of them will die in the next few days. GET VACCINATED.

If hearing from a nurse first hand how this COVID-19 virus will affect your body doesn't change your mind about the vaccine, I'm not sure what will. Be safe, get vaccinated please!!

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