Couple shows up to hold wedding at IHOP heir's mansion without permission!

Courtney Wilson and Shenita Jones just wanted to have the wedding of their dreams and wanted to use IHOP money heir Nathan Finkle's Fort Lauderdale mansion to make those dreams come true!!

Unfortunately for Courtney, the groom, when he toured Nathan's mansion as a potential buyer and asked for permission to have her nuptials there, Nathan refused!

The couple sent out invitations and showed up on the planned wedding day of April 17th and were rejected yet again! Guests showed up and they had all the equipment to have the ceremony and even invited guests to stay the night and enjoy Sunday brunch!!

The couple pleaded with the owner saying that it was GOD'S PLAN for them to be married at his home but he did not buy into it and called the police to remove the people from his property.

The latest on the couple is that their marriage still has not taken place but hopefully they head down to the court house and call it a day or at least get permission for the next venue. GOOD LUCK!

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