YouTube Declines To Ban Video by Rapper YG With Asian-Targeting Lyrics

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YouTube is declining to ban a video by YG that contains anti-Asian lyrics.

The song is Meet The Flockers. The 2014 song is about how to pull off a burglary.

Staff at Youtube reached out to the company to say that the subject matter in the song was pro Asian violence.

The lyrics in question are, 'first you find a house and scope it out/Find a Chinese neighborhood/Cause they don't believe in bank accounts.'

YouTube wrote a memo to staff stating they found the video to be highly offensive but will not be taking the video down.

In the memo they stated they wanted to avoid setting a precedent that may lead to us having to remove a lot of other music on YouTube.

Youtube said:

“We’ll start by saying we find this video to be highly offensive and understand it is painful for many to watch, including many in Trust & Safety and especially given the ongoing violence against the Asian community,” the statement reads. “One of the biggest challenges of working in Trust & Safety is that sometimes we have to leave up content we disagree with or find offensive.”

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