NY KAREN calls bagel shop employee "B* A$$ N*" YOU HAVE BI-RACIAL CHILDREN!

When it comes to Stephanie Denaro AKA "Bakery Karen" it's not really about her political stance as it is about her hate attacks apparently that have BEEN going on!

The viral video at Davidovich Bakery at Essex Market in Manhattan wasn't the only time Denaro showed her true colors. Apparently she has taken part in several Asian hate attacks. She has been kicked off a city bus for being disruptive and even spit on someone inside of a Target.

Denaro's child have been in CPS custody before and it is very possible that after this incident that they might end up there again!

YOU HAVE MIXED CHILDREN, how is it so easy for you to disrespect them and yourself. It doesn't look like Stephanie has a nanny so have the children witnessed all these hate crimes? Where is the father? Doesn't he have anything to say about this?

In my opinion Stephanie Denaro could be an unfit mother but dowe really want all 4 of her children to end up in the system? We need a family member to come forward and fix this cause she is exposing her kids to dangerous situations.

Prayers up for these kids.

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