WIN $1MILLI!!! California asks for your help with this state wide problem

California State Superintendent Tony Thurmond announced Tuesday 2/2 that he along with some major companies like Genentech, General Motors and Michael Philanthropies are offering a $1million prize for ANYONE who can come up with a solution to the DIGITAL DIVIDE.

Students across the country have been unsuccessfully getting an eduction because of the lack of internet access. During this entire pandemic students have had to attend class virtually. Reports of issues with student attendance have been outrageous essentially to the point that this school year is being considered a wash for many students and families for many reasons including access to internet.

The above picture went viral from 2 dedicated students who visited their local Taco Bell just to get their work done as their father sat in the car waiting for them.

If heads of state and major company heads can not come up with a plan maybe you can? Talk of this digital divide have been swirling since the beginning of this pandemic, have you had any good ideas? Make sure when you do, you get some papers written up to keep collecting cash on this GENIUS PLAN. These companies will plan to collect long term, are they really in it for the students hmmmmm. Here is the email address to send your thoughts for closing the digital divide! GET TO WORK!!! Here's the link to the story too.

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