Sana G's COVID-19 Story: Calling 911 To Save My Brother

I'm writing a more detailed account of my personal story with COVID 19 to try to convey to the population of people who still want to shout at others who want them to wear masks, who call this an infringement of human rights, who still gather in large groups or even throw parties. This virus is not a game and I can tell you I never want you to be me or my brother in this account.

It took less than 3 days for COVID to attack my brother and quickly turn into severe pneumonia from the time that he tested positive to the time I had to call 911 to get him to a hospital. He wasn't responding to texts or phone calls from any family or friends for a full day and a half. We thought he was just resting and would respond soon to one of us but as we reached out to each other we realized no one has heard from him and we knew no one close to knock on his door so I called 911. I explained that he had tested positive for COVID 19, is a diabetic, and lived alone. The police sent a patrol car to knock on his door and said the officer would call me when they arrived and either got a response or didn't and when I tell you I have never stared at my phone for so long, the minutes felt like days.

When the officer finally called 30 minutes later, she told me that he did not answer the door and she was going to search for his vehicle. Meantime, I got my sister to call the property manager to get someone there to open his apartment door. Another LONG 30 minutes later she calls to tell me that his car is there and she was waiting on the property manager to send the maintenance person to assist with the door.

She found my brother in bed as she described "really, really ill", unable to get up, having trouble breathing, and said they were racing him to an emergency. Immediate tears, and unclear speech asking "where are you taking him" and "thank you, thank you" over and over again. She got me the information and he has been there ever since on a ventilator with ups and downs every day, still in ICU. The doctor said I saved his life.

The warehouse he works at in SoCal has had several LARGE NUMBER outbreaks. The last he reported to my sister and me were 40 people being sent home with symptoms and they are still operating. Small businesses around the world have lost everything but Corporate America is still sending people to work putting their lives in danger every day to turn a profit. I don't have to name them, we all know someone who is still going to work, afraid of not bringing money home, and probably going into work sick contaminating and helping spread this virus. My brother knew the dangers but they never became real until he contracted COVID 19.

He hasn't been conscious, except once when he tried to pull the ventilator out, since December 13th. His lungs aren't healing but the amazing medical staff at his hospital are not giving up because they see the fight in him, the small progressions and they are doing everything they can to save his life. Our frontline workers from top to bottom don't get enough love and appreciation. Tirelessly being called to duty every day for what no one expected to last this long, affect so many and take so many lives. Thank you, from every fiber of my being for being there for us.

That's my story. My blood is laid up with no one around him to hold his hand and tell him it's going to be alright even if it isn't. People are dying every day from COVID 19 and their family will only say goodbye via FaceTime from a doctor's phone.

It kills me when I see people still throwing functions, mask-less, reckless, and careless as to what this virus can do to you and your family. If you are working be safe. I know people are losing everything, the government is failing you, scammers are corrupting the system, the chips are stacked against us in so many ways right now. I'm still working and able to provide but believe me when I tell you I understand things are getting desperate but PLEASE, don't let my situation be what happens to you and yours.

I pray every day for my brother's healthy return and I pray my people in the bay and around the globe make it through this. Together we can change the numbers. Do your part, mask up, social distance, wash your hands, sanitize. Here's to a better 2021, God bless.

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