Jada Pinkett Smith Confronts Will Smith Over His Drinking

Jada Pinkett-Smith rallied the whole family for her latest episode of the Facebook podcast, Red Table Talk.

During the episode, Jada asks Will how much he drinks, the Aladdin star seemed caught off guard by the question saying, "That's my personal business, Jada," he said with a grin. "I respect that it's your show, but at the end of the day, this is a house that we share."

Will discussed his drinking habits during his Facebook series, Bucket List. The actor revealed that he “didn’t drink for over a decade.” During his Fresh Prince of Bel-Air days, Smith says he was “wildly disciplined.”

“Being in this place in my life, even something as simple as taking my shirt off while I'm out of shape, like, you know, this for me now allowing myself to be seen less than optimally is new," said Will.

Don't get it wrong though, this wasn't an intervention for Will, everyone got hit up during this red table talk episode in one way or another but it was all family love.

Watch the episode & also the family vacation video they talk about below!

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