The Top 7 Toxic Male Partners Women Constantly Fall For

We all know women and men have a tendency to be attracted to people who they know are not good for them, but for some reason they can't help but falling in love anyways.

Social media account @blackgrlthings has broken down toxic male partners into seven main categories. Go over the categories and tell us which one you have a weak spot for! Or fellas- which one are you?

The Top 7 toxic male partners are:

The Good Guy-Post every accomplishment, does volunteer work just to post on social media, entitle AF, poor communication skills, "females never like good guys," guilt trippers

The Player- has 5 women in love with him right NAH, always says the right thing, calls all women "love," social media famous, phon on silent

The Inconsistent Guy- text back late AF, seems super interested, then disappears because of "life," always has an amazing personality, probably still entertaining his ex

The No-Initiative Guy- Calls and texts often but never plans anything, has to feel your vibe first before taking you our, probably has a GF on the low

The Insecure Guy- clocks your outfits, misogynist, hates all your friends, starts fights every time you have plans

The Emotionally Draining Guy- expressing ur feelings always turns into an argument, posts emotional memes on social media

The Netflix & Chill Guy- never plans anything outside the house, always wants you to drive to him, mainly hits you up after 9pm, possibly on house arrest

Photo: Getty Images

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