Police Called To Blueface House After GF/Artist Refuses To Leave His Home.

The drama at Blueface Bleedem's house is ongoing! Blueface's on again off again girlfriend/artist Chrisean Rock appeared on Instagram live today after she allegedly went to the home to retrieve her items. Some sort of altercation happened which resulted in Chrisean being locked in the bathroom exposing her situation on Instagram live! Chrisean claims he allegedly tried to put his hands on her which is why she locked herself in the bathroom as Blueface allegedly was trying to break in. Everyone from her friends & her family jumped onto her live to tell her to leave the situation. They went on to expose how Blueface allegedly "choked" her out "the other day." Chrisean says she just wanted to talk yet she arrived and found all her things missing.

Police were eventually called to the home which was also showed off on Instagram. Police were able to prove Chrisean lived there because of mail she had addressed to the home, yet also had to calm down Wack 100 who arrived and also wanted her out of the home. Police eventually left without incident. Unfortunately, Wack seemed to be done with the BS and had to be held back from removing Chrisean out of the home. Watch the entire incident and Instagram Live below.

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