Man who stabbed a pit bull puppy 50 times sentenced to 10 years in prison

I can't say I feel bad for this man. A Florida man who was arrested and charged with 15 counts of animal abuse after stabbing and beating a pit bull puppy more than 50 times, then stuffing him into a suitcase to die. The puppy was found by good samaritans yet unfortunately succumbed to his wounds.

Animal lovers rallied around finding the culprit of this heinous act and ultimately police arrested 35-year-old Evans. Evans initially denied being the animal abuser yet detectives discovered cat paws and rats with sliced heads in his apartment freezer, bloodstains covering his bathroom, and dried blood and animal fur in his oven.

Police also reportedly found a handwritten letter saying: “Make the entire pit bull investigation go away. Return all curses placed on Brendan to their sender. Give Brendan peace of mind.”

Evans attorney expressed his client is on medication and is in desire of help from mental health professionals.

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