Damian Lillard Talks About Getting Vaccinated, "It's Pretty Simple"

Damian Lillard talked about getting vaccinated in a press conference the other day, saying his decision was "pretty simple."

"They presented the opportunity and I said, 'Can I bring my family, too? And they said 'Yeah,' and that was it."

He also talks about people wanting to do their research first, saying:

"I'm not mad at people for saying, 'I need to do my research,' or they gotta take the steps that make them comfortable. But, I have a lot of people in family that I'm tight with and that I spend a lot of time around. I'm just not going to put their health or their lives in danger because I want to hold a big research. When as a kid, I had to get shots my whole life. Before I went to college, I had to get shots and I couldn't tell you one thing about any of them."

Lastly, he sums it all up:

"I've had people in my family actually die. People actually lose their lives to it. If it's a way to protect myself and the people that I love, I'ma do it. It's pretty simple."

See the video below!

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