Mom + Daughter Turn Petty Child Support Situation Into A Give Back Moment

Photo: Getty Images North America

Just imagine hearing the sound of 80,000 pennies pouring off the back of truck onto your lawn and then thinking what is happening and WHY?! The mom and daughter who lived at the house didn't even know who was doing the dumping until the person yelled to them, 'It's your final child support payment." Avery Sanford, had reportedly just turned 18 and her dad pulled up to the house she and her mother lived in with the delivery. Petty, shocking, rude and of course embarrassing - yup this delivery was all the above! Instead of sulking in the embarrassment and anger the mom and daughter decided to do something positive and they are taking the pennies to make an $800 donation to a local domestic abuse center. What a powerful move and teachable moment for these kids. What would you have done when the pennies arrived and how would you have handled the money??

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