If You Got This Vaccine - You May Need Another Shot By Summer

As more and more people are getting vaccinated - we continue to learn more about the various Vaccine brands that received an urgent approval to be administered to the public. In California everyone over 16 can now receive the vaccine - so access to it seems to be getting easier and easier.

Although it's seems to be easy to get the vaccine- one company is now saying that their concoction is one that will need a booster. This means that if you received the Pfizer vaccine, you got two shots weeks a part. But now, the CEO of Pfizer is reportedly saying that you will most likely need a 3rd shot after you've become fully vaccinated and that it's possible that you will need to get the vaccine annually. Sounds like this will become similar to an annual Flu Shot.

Shouts to everyone that is fully vaccinated or on your way to be - make sure to confirm the brand of vaccine you received so you will if/when you will need to return for another booster shot.

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