The Black father to Stephanie Denaro's children is now speaking out after the racist verbal attack Denaro afflicted on a Black cashier in Manhattan, NY.
The father claims the racial tirade Denaro was "nothing new." He also stated that he was appalled at her actions and was extremely worried for the safety, mentally and physically, of their children. He is worried the children are suffering emotional harm due to Denaro's words, and the confrontation that occurred following Denaro calling the cashier a "B*tch @ss N**ER" because she refused to wear a mask. All 4 children were present and heard the appalling racial slur, and the guest confronting the mother for speaking this way about a man who is also the same race as her children.

The father does not have custody of his children but hopes his children's mother gets mental health and educates herself.
Unfortunately, Denaro is doubling down on her comment claiming it wasn't a racist term due to the dictionary definition. On top of that, she is now claiming as a "sicilian" woman an per her DNA test, she is also Black.
On Instagram Denaro wrote:
All of you hating on me for no reason! News flash!!!! I AM BLACK!!!!! My skin color does not look dark but my ancestry results came back as me being black! So do not be mad at me no more. Leave me alone!!! As a young black woman I love all of you!!💕☺️
Thus, reinforcing her stance that she cannot be racist because she has "black children and is also black. Jealous Libs. Oh yeah! #Women4Trump" I CANNNNNNOT with this woman!
Someone please call Child Protective Services on this woman! If you missed the original story, Stephanie "Bagel Karen" Denaro has gone viral after she called a Black cashier, a "B*tch @ss N*ggER" because SHE refused to wear a mask when trying to order at a Bagel Store. The most problematic part of this entire incident is the woman has biracial children with her which she acknowledges are half black, yet still thinks ok to use the term! Topping things off, the expression on her oldest daughters face breaks my heart. They are used to this vile hate speach.