IG Account Helps You Move On By Selling Gifts From Your EX

There's someone out there for everyone. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else. Time will heal. On to the next! We've all heard these sayings that your friends, family or even your ex blurted at you to get you through a challenging break up! But let's be real - sometimes those sayings only get you so far in the process towards healing and moving on. Sometimes you just need some real physical closure to get you through and that's exactly what the user behind the Once-Loved Store probably had in mind when the Instagram account was started. This account is based in Malaysia and gives folks a place to not only post and sell gifts/items left behind by their ex, but it's also place to tell your story, vent and if you're feeling froggy and really spiteful you can rate your ex from 1-10. You may have to hit the translate button on some of the posts but you get the gist... This one features items from a dumper who was cheated on more than once and with only month left before their engagement announcement. Others have draped short messages across the pic of the item just to highlight their boo boo ex/relationship. If you have a gift from that frog, this Instagram account wants to help you move on as you search for your prince/princess. Stay strong- it wasn't meant to be and there are way more fish in the sea friends! <~~ If that saying didn't help- maybe watching the rom com The Broken Hearts Gallery might bring you some laughs or just dust off that random item from your ex that's taking up space for no reason and possibly get some cash and closure.

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