Books to Read with Your Kids by Black Authors & Illustrators

Almost halfway through Black History Month and looking for more ways to celebrate Black Excellence, educate yourself and get your kids involved. In my world BHM is ongoing but it does feel nice to have a month dedicated to celebrate. So as you jump on virtual celebrations, stream some quality TV/Movies by black actors/directors/writers and discover some new artists- why not pick up a book with your kids? There are tons of amazing books featuring Black Artists, Black characters and even Black Illustrators. Here are some suggestions and feel free to send some my way @itsLadyRAY too!

~Harlem's Little Blackbird

~Mixed Me

~I Am Enough (Check out Grace Byers reading I Am Enough below.)

~Lullaby for A Black Mother

~Sunday Shopping

~Hair Love (Check out the short based on the book below.)

~Happy Hair

~Anti-Racist Baby

~Sulwe (Watch Lupita Nyong'o read her book below.)

if you're looking for can always pay Marcus Books a visit in Oakland or online at Marcus Books Bookshop

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