Mayor Steps Down After Receiving Death Threats Over Mask Mandate Support!

A mayor has just stepped down after receiving great pushback and criticism for supporting mandatory mask enforcement. The scrutiny was manageable, but once Dodge City Kansas Mayor Joyce Warshaw began getting death threats over her mandate position she knew things had gone way too far.

Warshaw released an official resignation letter earlier this week stating, “Life has dealt out many challenges in our world that have perhaps caused many people to act inappropriately but I do not feel safe in this position anymore and am hopeful in removing myself this anger, accusations and abuse will not fall on anyone else and will calm down,” Warshaw wrote.

After a national spike in Covid-19 cases trickled down & resulted in increasing numbers in the area Dodge City decided enforcing mask wearing would help slow positivity rates. Following the mask mandate Mayor Warshaw supported the movement in USA Today. The townsfolk were so livid she started facing instant criticism, but to think that it led to death threats made against her and her family are absurd. Stay safe former Mayor Warshaw.

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