Owner Speaks After Viral Video Of Him Checking Customers Twerkin' In Diner.

You've probably seen the video by now. A black restaurant owner of a Dallas restaurant called 'True Kitchen & Kocktails' has gone viral after he asked some guest to stop twerkin', and standing on furniture in his restaurant.

He stated he demands the men show women respect in his establishment and he will also demand the women respect himself. Some people took offense because of his tone and frustration, but the owner explains in the post below he had already asked the women twice to stop. The recording was the third and final time he asked the ladies to stop. In a post he wrote:

“When the first incidents occurred the guests were politely asked to stop and have respect for themselves and other customers. The guests at issue were at three (3) tables. As this video shows you will see guests spoken to politely and literally begged to stop standing on our furniture and twerking. There are other videos that show much more of the behavior in the following videos, but we do not want to embarrass the guests sitting at those tables.”

Check it out below.

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