YG And Stormy Daniels Team Up At Camp Flog Gnaw

Much of the press surrounding Tyler, The Creator's 2019 Camp Flog Gnaw Carnival has been focused on Drake. The man who has been running mainstream hip-hop since 2015 getting booed off stage at a hip-hop music festival is of course headline worthy, but there are bound to other weird and exciting moments that we missed throughout the weekend.

One of the weirder moments happened during YG's set. As you may know, on his latest tour YG has a running gag of bringing someone from the crowd on stage, introducing them, and then asking them to say "F*ck Donald Trump" before launching into his single of the same name.

For his Camp Flog Gnaw set on Sunday, YG had to take the anti-Trump antics to the next level. And who better to utter those three powerful words than Stormy Daniels herself. YG plays it off like he doesn't know who Daniels is until he asks her to introduce herself, but images of her headshots and newsreels pop up on the big screens behind them. As thunderous applause erupts, the guy next to her looks genuinely shocked that it's actually Stormy Daniels and shakes her hand out of respect.

It's probably some of the strangest 59 seconds I've seen in awhile. Check out the video footage from the show below.

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