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Several new law go into effect starting Friday July 1st. The laws are part of 770 new bills Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law in October 2021. Here are some key takeaways.
- Gas Tax
- Although Governor Gavin Newsom attempted to have the increased gas tax increase suspended, legislative leaders decided to move forward with the increase. Thus, gas prices are expected to increase Friday.
- New Gun Control Laws
- California's microstamping requirement for handguns has been extended. Microstamping imprints tiny markings on cartridges that had been fired from the weapon. This made it easier for police identification. The law also directs the Department of Justice to remove three older gun models from its list of handguns certified for sale in California for every new certified microstamping model.
- The types of guns that may be legally taken under restraining orders against gun violence are now being expanded. The current "red flag" statute enables police working with family members, friends, coworkers, employers, and teachers to seek judges to confiscate firearms from anyone they believe to be a potential threat to themselves or others. The term "ghost guns" is included in the definition of what can be seized by the new law. Domestic violence restraining orders also fall under the same broad term.
- School Start Times
- Middle schools must open no sooner than 8 a.m., and high schools must open no earlier than 8:30 a.m. Rural school districts are exempt from the statute. Teenagers and preteens, according to those in favor of the new law, require more sleep for their development and health.