Kylie Jenner took to Instagram to reveal the inspiration behind her off white wedding gown look for The Met Gala 2022. In a series of post of photos getting ready for the event, Jenner revealed she had planned to attend the gala with the late Virgil Abloh in 2020, but then Covid hit. Since then the legendary fashion designer Virgil Abloh lost his battle with cancer.
Now, in her caption Jenner explains that her look for the Gala she was to attend with Abloh, was to honor the late designers legacy. Jenner wrote:
“Virgil and I were supposed to go to the Met together before it got postponed in 2020. To celebrate V tonight and his incredible legacy truly means the world to me.”
“I’m humbled to wear this dress and honor my talented beautiful friend. we felt you tonight Virgil and love you forever.”
With the help of folks at Off White, Jenner wore a gown inspired by Abloh's 2020 gown. For the afterparty, Jenner pulled from Abloh's 2021 collection.