Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Star Dorit Kemsley was reportedly held at gunpoint and robbed, during a home invasion at her Encino home. This all occurred as her young children slept upstairs. The invasion occurred Wednesday night while her husband was away. The intruders broke into her home, smashing through a glass door. The intruders ransacked her home stealing her jewelry and handbags.
Celebrity home invasions seem to be on the rise as multiple artist and celebrities report either a robbery or home invasion. A home invasion robbery is how rapper Pop Smoke was killed in February 2020 after 3 mens broke into his home attempting to rob him.
Dorit took to her Instagram to express her thanks for those lending a hand to support her after the terrifying experience. She wrote:
More than anything, I’m feeling blessed that my kids and family are safe. Truly grateful for the messages of love and support from you all who have reached out.