Don't be this idiot. A homeless Trump supporter decided to defecate in the driveway of a home in San Francisco belonging to representative Nancy Pelosi. In the video, you see a man self identified as Mando roaming around San Francisco looking for Pelosi's home. He then drops his pants and takes a dump in Pelosi's driveway. After finishing his business and not wiping, he then states "that was for Trump."
After defecating on Nancy Pelosi's driveway, bragging about it, then getting confronted by police, the Pelosi Pooper was detained and released but had his information sent to the Capitol Police in Washington D.C. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw charges pressed against him.
And here he is now trying to explain away his disgusting behavior. In the subsequent stream, he states “It was scary, man. They asked me about Kamala Harris, and about how I joked on the stream that if she lived in San Francisco, I’d s–t on her house too."
“They weren’t f—ing playing.”
Dudes out here in the Bay begging for attention so here you go.