Eric Holder, the man police allege shot and killed Nipsey Hussle on Sunday March 31'st, has been captured by police. Police allege Holder shot Nipsey Hussle along with two other victims, and fled in a vehicle driven by an unknown female. Now, TMZ is reporting they spoke on the phone with the alleged female getaway driver and admits she was the driver. She also claims she had no idea what Holder was doing including allegedly murdering Nipsey Hussle.
The woman then said she subsequently began a friendship with Holder and she was with him Sunday when they drove toNipsey's clothing storenear the Crenshaw District of L.A. She claims she was waiting for him in the alley whenhe went overto the clothing store. She also claims she didn't know why he was going there and he didn't say anything when he came back to the car.
She then went on to claim that she planned to contact police to clear her name yet TMZ reports detectives claim they have not spoken with her.
LAPD announced today they have captured Holder. The female getaway driver has yet to be arrested or charged.