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Child Taken by CPS After Parents Post TikTok of Him Wrapped in Plastic Wrap

Two things - 1) This is what happens when people do dumb s#it for likes! People are so desperate to feel validated and be seen, that they make stupid posts like this and overlook potential repercussions. Children are not objects and should not be used as such to increase social media popularity. I don't empathize for the parents because this was a stupid decision, however, I do empathize heavily for the child. Being removed from your home by CPS and to be taken away from your family can cause immense trauma, which will take a lot of work to undo as an adult. 2) CPS needs to give the child back and focus on the children who REALLY NEED THE HELP. Overall, this is such a sad situation, which could have been prevented has better decisions were made, but social media and the desire to be seen and validated is one hell of a drug!

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