Celebrities have been taking to social media to speak out about the tragic murder of Nia Wilson, who was stabbed and killed on BART a platform with her sister who was also stabbed on Sunday. Nia was stabbed by a John Cowell, a white man who stabbed her several times. According to BuzzFeed News, "BART Police Chief Carlos Rojas said that the attack on Wilson "was probably one of the most vicious" he'd seen in his 30 years of being an officer."
Actress Anne Hathaway, wrote a powerful post about Nia Wilson on Wednesday highlighting the issue of white privilege and how white people should not be blind to it. In it she says,
White people- including me, including you- must take into the marrow of our privileged bones the truth that ALL black people fear for their lives DAILY in America and have done so for GENERATIONS. White people DO NOT have equivalence for this fear of violence.
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Many people are excited to see a celebrities use their social platforms for good