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This pup is lucky to be alive after being poisoned by meth!
A San Jose man and his 10 year old Husky were out for their daily walk when his pup started acting a bit odd. To be safe, the man brought his dog to the vet where they discovered the dog had ingested meth, according to NBC Bay Area. Needless to say, the owner was shocked, saying "I didn't think he could just rummage through the bushes and find meth."
Apparently, similar instances have been happening more often. What would normally be a couple of cases a year, has reportedly turned into one to two cases a month. "Vets at the clinic said most of the cases they see happen when dogs walk near homeless encampments," NBC Bay Area reports.
Drugs can be life threatening and cause organ damage, so it is imperative you bring your pet to the vet if you think they swallowed drugs.
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