VID-NorCAL Jogger FOUND After Saving Family's Pets & Home From Burning Down

This Scotts Valley family has more than a few things to be thankful for! Not only were their pets saved but the anonymous jogger in the video above also saved their house from burning down and was able to do so by communicating with the family through their doorbell camera! As you can see in the vid the kind jogger noticed smoke was coming from their house and instead of continuing on his route he took it upon himself to do something about it! With urgency he rang the doorbell, the homeowners weren't home but were able to talk to the jogger through their doorbell camera and remotely open the front door so he could save their 4 pets! The fire department was notified and they told the homeowners if he hadn't come by, within 10 minutes their home would have completely burned down! The homeowners weren't able to get the jogger's info but were able to track Paul Murphy down later and thank him. We need more neighbors like this!

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