#ThankfulMama - ICU Nurse Saves Newborn Baby While Grocery Shopping

It's one thing to be in a panic because your baby is in need of medical attention but when it happens in public it's a whole other level of fear and anxiety- especially considering the current pandemic protocols. Off duty ICU Nurse Binta Diallo was shopping at an HMart apparently in the Bakery section, I have spent some time in this delectable section so I know how engaged she was in her exploration for baked goods. =) She went from basic chill shopping trip to being met with a frantic woman and her injured newborn baby. The mother had no idea she had chosen just the right person to run up to and ask for help because Nurse Diallo treats patients in ICU and is used to high pressure situations. Nurse Diallo says she went into a calm and once she was in her zone she realized the baby was extremely bloody and unresponsive. She was able to blow a small amount of air into the baby's mouth and perform cpr to help the baby regain consciousness. Check out this super nurse that was in the right place at the right time in the vid below!

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