VIDEO: Camera Happy Spectator Causes MAJOR BIKE PILE UP @ Tour de France

Say What NOW? A woman was out along the Tour de France route and instead of laying low and enjoying the competition like everyone else, she decided to go for a camera cameo and say, 'HI MOM' in the most embarrassing way possible! SMH! Now if you don't know what Tour de France is or haven't been tuned in, just know that 100s of fierce bicyclists whiz by on a tough route spanning thousands of miles and along that route folks come together to cheer them on. The lady in video was cheering and really out for herself when she decided to hold up her huge sign in hopes of being seen on TV. But what she didn't realize was how close she was to the bicyclists or how much her sign was a straight up clothes line that took out the professional athletes. Check out the vid of the moment, as well as the aerial shot of the massive pile up she caused for her 5 seconds of fame. Pretty sure she's not trying to be on anyone's TV right now and hoping this moment will go away quickly. Those bicyclists THOUGH, they didn't see her sign coming and one biker looked like he got his face run over! EEK-praying there weren't any major injuries that will have long time effects, aside from baby girl's beyond embarrassed heart. SMH!

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